Zachary Migliorini

I am a New York-based software developer looking for work in an entry or junior-level position.

I previously worked an 8 month full-time internship at Thomson Reuters, but have been working in an unrelated field since then.

I have been keeping up on my technical skills, and am excited to get back into professional development.

Technical Skills
and Internship

I am most comfortable working in core Java. Eclipse is my IDE of choice but I would be happy to learn any others. I can definitely handle database work and SQL as well, and have experience using JDBC and Hibernate.

I am comfortable using Git from the command line, so changing IDE would not be an issue for me.

Backend work is my strength, but I would be more than happy to end up in a frontend or fullstack position.

My internship was mostly updating Java code which was part of a workflow to convert documents between Word and XML formats. Changing requirements meant pieces of code would have to be updated to account for different XML tags or expected content. The extra time I had was spent pitching ways to improve our workflow to my supervisor, and I ended up independently building out two of those proposals.

Other Work

Having spent several years working in luxury goods sales, I have built a range of relevant, transferable skills that supplement my technical ability.

My workdays were spent in a high-pressure environment with multiple overlapping deadlines, and so the first things I had to learn were teamwork and efficient task management. Meeting these deadlines typically involved disruptions that were out of our control, so I learned to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, and to move forward despite unplanned setbacks.

Working with customers made me into an effective communicator. I can filter out information that is not relevant to my audience and focus on what's important.

In short, I can keep a level head in any situation, understand which tasks and deadlines are most crucial, and deliver quality results as a part of any team.


Note: I have taken this project down from AWS and am currently replacing it with another REST server with expanded capabilities.

I have built a Spring project which runs a REST-style server. The application is hooked up to a MySQL database via Hibernate. The application and the database are running on an AWS EC2 instance. This instance is behind an AWS application load balancer (ALB).

The Spring application hosts an endpoint which takes a GET request with a name variable and runs a SELECT query against the database, serving the result as a JSON. This endpoint only works over HTTP, but the response content must be served over HTTPS to be used by this secure client page. The ALB resolves this by holding the SSL certificate, taking HTTPS requests from clients, and then handling communication with the REST endpoint.

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Neo4j Data Presented With React.js

This page is mostly hardcoded, but the div element below is managed by React.

I have an AWS EC2 instance running a Spring REST server which is hooked up to a Neo4j graph database. The data itself is a large pool of different foods, with links between foods that pair well together.

Upon initial load, this page queries the server for the full list of foods, and uses them as autocomplete suggestions in the text input field below. When the user inputs a food that matches one on the list, a fetch call is made to the server, which returns the list of pairing foods. React then updates the div to display those results.
